Sparkup Blog

Your company’s performance depends on team collaboration

Written by Sparkup | January 16, 2019

Collaborate, innovate, perform and tomorrow your company will be the enterprise of the future!

According to a study by Officevibe, 87% of employees worldwide are not fully engaged in their work.


Obviously, it is the company’s performance that bears the brunt of it (and pays its price).


Employees that are not invested in the company prefer to sit and sulk in the corner of their open-space office rather than to collaborate. But without collaboration, there can be no performance.

No need to worry: we will explain how to end up on the cover of the next issue of Forbes thanks to your super-collaborative team.

Innovation is not going to happen in a world of robots

Well, maybe only in part. But your goal is to become the enterprise of tomorrow, not the enterprise of 2095, and so far, robots have not yet taken over the world.

In order to perform, you must innovate.

In order to innovate, you can of course count on new technologies and huge R&D investments to do the job for you.

But that can draw your attention away from the treasure that is right before your eyes: a treasure called collective intelligence (human collective intelligence, forget about robots).

If you involve your team and let them participate in making strategic decisions, you will enhance the value of your collaborators’ ideas and discover resources which you had no idea about.

Who knows, maybe that little blond guy at reception who yawns all day long is actually writing a revolutionary code!

On a more serious note, though: implementing your team’s ideas will stimulate their motivation and boost their level of engagement, thus bringing the company to success.

How to get your team to collaborate?

There can be no performance without collaboration, you already know that. But how to reconcile the pouters and rebels of the open-space office and make them want to work together?

This is where technology comes into play!

In a situation where a robot would never ask any questions, humans tend to complicate things. They can either be too shy, or too proud, or they may find it difficult to make themselves heard during a meeting, so they prefer complaining rather than trying to communicate.

This is why Sparkup has created a digital platform to support collective intelligence and make it prosper within your company.

You will be able to reinvent the very idea of a meeting with the help of an online application which all your employees will be able to use on their smartphones.

Live brainstorming sessions will take the form of word clouds, colleagues will be able to like each other’s ideas the same way they do on social networks, and voting will finally become democratic (you will be able not to vote for your boss’s terrible idea without having to worry about getting fired the next day – now that’s what we call progress!).

Let your team play during meetings! Sparkup offers different quizzes and even a buzzer. Yes, that’s right, a buzzer, just like in the game Time’s Up.

All these fun-filled activities will strengthen team cohesion and encourage healthy competition, both of which are necessary to improve your company’s performance (and, therefore, to make it to the cover of Challenges).

Just a small step away from your best performance

So now you know how to make the collective intelligence of your team shine bright during a meeting. That’s great, but still not enough.

Don’t forget that performance also means competence.

When companies chase after efficient performance, they often establish standard procedures for all their activities. As a result, they create a hostile learning environment because they expect their employees to follow standard robot-like procedures.

This model might have worked for some time, but in today’s world learning must be permanent.

If every employee learns faster, if knowledge and competence are smoothly passed on between collaborators, your company will become active and bustling, its performance will improve, which, in the end, will bring you profit.

The key to achieving this is concentrating on the bond between the employees of your company, so that each one of them can teach something to others. No matter how smart an individual may be, we are always much smarter when we work together.

Let’s imagine an ideal world without robots and what the future of work would be
like: future work would require more creativity, more imagination, more social and emotional intelligence. And the key to creativity is knowing how to work together and how to draw inspiration from your collaborators’ ideas.

It’s time to grab the phone and call the editor-in-chief of Forbes! You’re ready for the cover!