Sparkup Blog

Engaged participants generate relevant data

Written by Sparkup | January 22, 2019

UNICEO® (United Networks of International Corporate Event Organizers) is the only international non-profit association that brings together senior decision-makers for communication / marketing in leading companies internationally.


UNICEO gathers its members around the world to share best practices, opinions and think together about future challenges. UNICEO gathered its members in Budapest for the annual Congress, and then in Istanbul and Singapore in smaller groups to brainstorm about the topic; "How do you measure your events, the challenges and the most important KPIs".


Collect data and content of each UNICEO event

Provide participants with synthesized feedback

 Sparkup as a solution

Sparkup digital platform made for in room interaction, data collection and analysis

Sparkup helps participants have more concentration while answering Brainstorming questions

All the content is gathered into one single platform

UNICEO can retrieve data and content of each of their events to do further analysis and follow up on behalf of their members.


Time saving: when organizers retrieve and analyze data

Increased number of ideas per participants: an average increase of 30%

100% engagement: all the participants have provided their ideas


"Before we started to work with Sparkup, we recorded events or took notes but it took a long time to transcript and create synthesis. With Sparkup, we now have the chance to have a place where everything is summarized and easy to access. When we wish to access the events results and feedbacks, we are able to remember exactly how the event was. It is very good for follow up, we save a lot of time collecting and accessing participants' inputs. »

« When asking participants about users experience, the general feeling is that it is an easy to use tool, user friendly that helps them for a better summary of their ideas "

Debora Piovesan, Head od Events, UNICEO